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Clinical Research Study: coflex® Interlaminar Technology

Clinical research study on the Post-Approval 'Real Conditions of Use' of the coflex® Interlaminar Technology

Dr. Daniel Peterson is a board-certified neurosurgeon with over 13 years of clinical research experience and 27 years of clinical practice treating conditions of the spine.

Under Dr. Peterson’s leadership, Austin Neurosurgeons is currently enrolling patients in a variety of clinical research trials. The trials are being conducted to investigate a variety of medical devices and surgical techniques; such as synthetic bone graft, fusion cages, and artificial disc replacements.

Dr. Peterson is constantly looking for the best ways to treat his patients and is leading the way in research and development of such medical breakthroughs. One exciting study that is now available to his patients is that of a study on the effectiveness of the coflex® Interlaminar Technology.

The coflex device was designed to address the clinical needs of spinal stenosis patients by providing stabilization of the affected level without fusion. The coflex is an interspinous process functional dynamic implant designed to impart a stabilizing effect at the treated level(s).

The study is a 2 and 5 year comparative evaluation of clinical outcomes in the treatment of degenerative spinal stenosis with concomitant low back pain by decompression with and without additional stabilization using the coflex® Interlaminar Technology for FDA Real Conditions of Use Study.

If you are interested in learning more, schedule an appointment with our office at 512-314-3888

For more information on the study please visit:



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